27 October

16 Causes Of Belly Fat

 Let's take a look at what factors are causing this fat in the first place. A small amount of belly fat is normal. It cushions and protects bones and organs. But excess fat can be a cause for concern. Do not worry. You can burn fast fast with fast burn extreme in no time.

Of course, most of us tend to think of genetics as the cause of all our troubles. But its influence is exaggerated several times (or tens of times). Therefore, we place genetics as the last point, and start with reasons that many of us do not pay attention to.

Listed Below Are The Causes Of Belly Fat In Adults And Adolescents.

For most of the reasons listed, the text contains links to scientific studies that support them.

1. Sweet Food And Drinks

Most people eat more sugar than they think.

Foods high in sugar include not only cakes and candy, but also “healthy” options such as muffins or frozen yoghurts. Soda, aromatic coffee and sweet tea are among the most popular sweetened drinks.

Experimental studies have shown a link between high sugar intake and excess belly fat. This is in large part due to the high fructose content of sugar.

Simple sugar and corn syrup are very high in sugar. Simple sugar contains about 50% fructose, and corn syrup contains 55%.

In a controlled 10-week study, obese and overweight people who consumed 25% of their calories in sugary drinks to support the diet experienced increased insulin sensitivity and increased belly fat.

Another study found reduced fat burning and lower metabolic rate in people on a similar diet high in fructose.

Consuming too much sugar in any form can lead to weight gain, and sugary drinks are especially problematic in this regard. Soda and other sugary drinks give the body too much sugar in a short amount of time.

What's more, research has shown that liquid calories have a smaller effect on appetite than solid foods.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol has both beneficial and harmful effects.

Controlling the amount, especially of red wine, can lower the risks of heart attacks and strokes.

However, high alcohol consumption can lead to liver inflammation or disease, as well as other health problems.

Some studies have shown that alcohol suppresses fat burning, and excess calories from alcohol are partially transferred to belly fat - which is why they say "beer belly"

Studies have found a link between high alcohol consumption and mid-body weight gain. One study found that men who drank more than three drinks a day were 80% more likely to develop belly fat than those who drank less alcohol.

The amount of alcohol consumed in a 24-hour period also matters.

Another study showed that those who drink less than one drink a day on average have less belly fat than those who drink less frequently but drink more than four drinks on "drinking days"

3. Trans Fats

Trans fats are the most unhealthy fats on the planet.

They are formed by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats to make them more stable.

Trans fats generally extend the life of packaged foods, such as muffins, baked mixes and crackers.

Trans fats also cause inflammation. This can lead to insulin resistance, heart disease and other various diseases.

Also, based on animal studies, it is suggested that diets containing trans fats may lead to the gradual formation of belly fat.

At the end of the 6-year study, monkeys who ate an 8% trans fat diet gained weight and had 33% more fat than monkeys who ate 8% monounsaturated fat, despite the fact that both groups had enough calories to gain weight.

4. Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main risk factors for your health deterioration.

Over the past few decades, people have become less mobile. This greatly affects the increase in the number of obese people. Including obese belly.

A large survey in 1988-2010 in the United States found that there was a strong decrease in the activity of people, the average weight and abdominal girth in women and men increased.

Another observational study compared women who watched TV more than three hours a day with women who watched less than 1 hour a day.

The group that watched more TV had an almost double risk of suffering from belly obesity compared to the group that watched less TV.

One study also found that a sedentary lifestyle promoted the recovery of belly fat after weight loss.

This study found that people who did endurance exercise or aerobics for a year after losing weight did not regain belly fat, while those who did not exercise increased belly fat by 25-38%

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of belly fat. If you do not bother yourself with physical activity, but prefer to spend time sitting, watching TV, reading, etc., this is called a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of regular exercise, or no exercise at all, can lead to fat accumulation around the belly.

5. Slow Metabolism

According to research, the body's metabolism slows down with age, which leads to the formation of belly fat. Women are more prone to belly fat than men. Slow metabolism is another cause of fat.

You need to warn your friends who eat a lot of sweet, fried and cold drinks. If they have a high metabolism, then it will be easy for them to lose weight, and a flat tummy will not be long in coming. If not, then fat deposits will not be long in coming.

Slow metabolism can be caused by thyroid disease, diabetes and other diseases.

But, before running to the doctors, do not forget that the metabolism slows down in people with low physical activity (that is, we are talking more about the previous paragraph 04 about a sedentary lifestyle). Strength exercises accelerate metabolism. Do not be alarmed, this does not necessarily involve lifting barbells, etc.

6. Stress And Hypertension

Cortisol is a hormone that we need to survive.

It is produced by the adrenal glands and is known as the "stress hormone" because it helps your body respond to stress.

Unfortunately, it can lead to weight gain if produced in excess, especially in the abdomen.

For many people, stress leads to overeating. But instead of storing this excess calories in fat throughout the body, cortisol promotes fat storage in the belly.

Interestingly, women who have a higher waist-to-hip ratio will release more cortisol during times of stress

7. Diseases

Most women suffering from diabetes, breast cancer, apnea, colon cancer, cardiovascular disease and hypertension, strokes, metabolic syndrome, have belly fat.

8. Sagging Muscles

If your muscles around your abdomen are saggy, it can lead to the accumulation of belly fat. All you need to do for a slim waist is to keep your belly toned.

9. Poor Posture

Slouching is a common cause of fat accumulation in the body. Learn to sit right from childhood. Sitting with a bent back or spine can lead to a build-up of fat around the abdominal area.

10. Overeating

Eating too much will inevitably lead to weight gain and the accumulation of belly fat. When combined with a sedentary lifestyle, overeating can have serious consequences.

Basically, belly fat is a colloquial term for abdominal fat. According to medical experts, belly fat is potentially very dangerous. Excess fat can lead to a number of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, a decrease in good cholesterol, and can lead to angina or apnea. You need to start fighting this problem now, before it's too late.

11. Hormonal Changes, Menopause

Belly fat gain during menopause is very common.

In women, starting in middle age, the percentage of body fat increases with increasing weight. During menopause, when estrogen levels drop and androgens or male hormones rise, there is an increased risk of fat storage in the waist area. In fact, hormones regulate fat concentration in the body, and your figure depends on them.

During puberty, the female hormone estrogen begins to send signals to the body to start storing fat on the thighs in preparation for a possible pregnancy. This subcutaneous fat is not harmful, but sometimes it is quite difficult to get rid of it.

Menopause officially occurs a year after a woman's last menstrual period.

Around this time, estrogen levels drop, causing fat to begin to be stored on the belly rather than on the thighs.

Some women gain more belly fat during this period than others. This may be due in part to genetics as well as the age at which menopause begins. One study found that women who went through menopause at a young age were less likely to store belly fat

12. Abnormal Gut Bacteria

There are hundreds of types of bacteria living in your gut, especially the colon. Some bacteria are good for the body, and some can cause problems.

Gut health plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing disease. The bacteria in your gut are also called gut flora or microbiome.

An imbalance in gut flora increases the risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses.

Several studies have shown that an unhealthy balance of intestinal flora can lead to weight gain and belly fat.

The researchers found that obese people tend to have more Formicates bacteria than people of normal weight. Scientists suggest that this type of bacteria multiplies more with a higher intake of calories from food.

One animal study found that bacteria-free mice gained much more fat when they received fecal transplants of bacteria associated with obesity than mice that received bacteria associated with leanness.

Studies on skinny and fat twins and their mothers have confirmed that there is a common core of intestinal flora among families that can influence weight gain, including where weight is stored.

13. Fruit Juices

Fruit juice is a sweet drink with a disguise.

Unsweetened 100% fruit juice contains a huge amount of sugar.

In fact, 250 ml of apple juice and cola contain the same amount of sugar - 24 grams. The same amount of grape juice contains 32 grams of sugar.

Although fruit juice contains healthy vitamins and minerals, its fructose content can lead to insulin resistance and belly fat.

The danger is that this is another (after the aforementioned sugary drinks) source of "liquid" calories, which you can easily consume too much, however, this may not be enough to satisfy your appetite, as with the same amount of solid food. You are able to absorb a huge amount of calories with juice, which will not lead to a feeling of fullness. You just don't notice them. And belly fat grows at the same time.

14. Diets Low In Fiber Intake

Fiber is very important for good health and weight control.

Certain types of fiber can help you feel full, stabilize hunger hormones, and reduce the absorption of calories from food.

In one study of 1,114 men and women, soluble fiber intake was associated with less belly fat. For every 10 gram increase in fiber intake, there is a 3.7% reduction in belly fat storage.

Diets high in refined carbohydrates and low in fiber have opposite effects on appetite and weight gain, including increased belly fat.

One large study found that high-fiber whole grains were associated with lower belly fat, while refined grains were associated with increased belly fat.

15. Lack Of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is critical to your health.

Many studies have linked lack of sleep to weight gain, including belly fat.

One huge study followed 68,000 women over the age of 16.

Those who slept 5 hours a day or less were 32% more likely to gain 15 kilograms than those who slept 7 hours or more.

Sleep disturbances can also lead to weight gain. One of the most common diseases is sleep apnea, in which breathing stops repeatedly during the night due to soft tissues blocking the airways.

One study found that obese men with sleep apnea had more belly fat than non-obese men

16. Genetics

Genes strongly influence the risks of obesity.

The propensity to accumulate belly fat is thought to be in part due to genetics.

The amount of stored fat cells depends a lot on your genes. If your parents or grandparents are predisposed to belly fat, you too will likely have a predisposition.

However, this reason is placed here as the last point, although many people tend to consider genetics for themselves as the first and only cause of belly fat .

But first, try to remember how many mistakes in nutrition and lifestyle your ancestors made during their life. Did they really eat right all their lives, lead a healthy lifestyle? Did they really do everything right and only "evil genetics" added them a dozen or two kilograms of excess weight?

Yes, it is true that genetics is one of the factors in the formation of fat. More specifically, the accumulation of belly fat depends in part on a gene in receptors that regulates cortisol levels in the body, and a gene that regulates the leptin receptor, which regulates calorie intake and weight.

You may have an apple-shaped or pear-shaped body structure. The accumulation of fat is different for different people, in fact it depends on the structure of the body. In people with a pear-like structure, fat usually accumulates in the lower body, such as the buttocks. But in people with an apple-shaped body structure, the body tends to store fat in the central part of the body, which leads to the deposition of fat on the belly. You should be aware that there are two types of belly fat - visceral, which is deposited around the abdominal organs, and subcutaneous, which is deposited between the skin and the abdominal wall.

In 2014, researchers discovered 3 new genes that increase waist-to-hip ratio and belly fat. In addition, 2 genes were found only in females.

However, for greater confidence, there is still a lot of research to be done in this area.

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